Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Why making money is alright...

The study of advanced subjects beyond your graduation basics and at a maturer time frame makes you feel better about your material pursuits...And as I was studyingMacroeconomics yesterday... I noted that GDP is calculated is based on the "value addition" of a raw material, and intermediate goods at each stage leading on to the final product... The key word is "value addition", and when we add value, we usually do something meaningful, and apply the vast grey reserves in a good, purposeful and right way...And then isnt that the basic enterprise of the world, to make use of the resources at your disposal meaningfully than fritter them away...And then, money is nothing but a consequence..

Age and insights help give a better perspective, and I realize now that the great stories of Gautam Buddha and Ashoka gave a strong bias to my early youth towards the principles of renunciation as being the ultimate ones. Too young for macroeconomics and value addition then. Well, I kind of have a more mature outlook now. What matters is that you should sustain your energies towards adding value in whatever you do, peaceful and righteous by social norms and you will be alright from the heaven and earth perspectives both.

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